Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Power Grab

I would like to apologize to Mr. Bush on behalf of the State Run Left wing media (because they feel that they are too good to do so) for excoriating you during your Presidency. They claimed (at the behest of their Liberal masters) that you were the most dangerous power hungry president in history. Of course, at the time they left out their idol FDR. He who wanted to control every aspect of American life. He who is the reason our country is on the brink of bankruptcy. He who created the first welfare generation. They claimed you and the Vice President were out of control and needed to be stopped. But I'd like to say thank you. Thank you for taking the War onto the terrorist's turf. Thank you for the Bush tax cuts. I am proud of my desire and ability to take care of my family. I am proud of my education and the hard work necessary to attain it. I do not mind paying my fair share of taxes. I feel that the US Constitution was written well. I should have to pay for the military and the other NECESSARY functions of government. I loathe taxation without representation. That is what we have now. When the tax committee chair is a tax cheat as is the Treasury Secretary and who knows else, I feel I am unrepresented. I don't want free money or a handout. All I want is to keep the maximum amount of my money as is possible. But my call for a flat tax must be reserved for a later rant. Back to the topic, Mr. Bush, the current president is the most dangerous president in history. I do not say that because I am partisan or hateful. I say it because at the moment he is actively circumventing the governing document of this Republic. What is it now, 32 czars? How much are they paid? Do they get to fly for free? Do they pay taxes? Who do they answer to? ACORN? How in the hell did Van Jones get a job in the White House. 50 years ago he would have been thrown in jail (rightly at that). Mr. Obama has failed to fill the majority of his administration's posts. He doesn't need too. He can run around the proper Senatorial vetting and just hire a czar. Why aren't we in the streets revolting? I've been reading a great deal lately on the pre-Revolution period. Samuel Adams would be vomiting if he could see us now. Benjamin Franklin would probably leave and never return. I dread to see the tears run down Washington's face. Did you know after the surrender at Yorktown he rode to Philadelphia to personally hand over his resignation? There was no political posturing. He was no Caesar. He could have sat as President for life. He walked away after 2 terms, setting historical precedent. Imagine Obama in Washington's shoes, would he have turned down all the glory and praise the country offered up? I think you know the answer. I'm glad for Glen Beck. I'm glad that people with louder mouthpieces are not afraid. I say one czar down and 30-some to go. Let's take this country back and remove from office any individual who is corrupted with power. Let's pass an amendment banning all czar's or advisers or whatever. If the president wants them near him, let them work for free. Let's open up the White House visitor log. That way we know who is where in this corrupt presidency. Let's pass a law allowing recall of any elected official up to and including the president. Our checks and balances are gone. Dead gone. They've been gone since the Supreme Court bent over backward for FDR. We are our only check now. Its up to us.

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